Fen Line Users Association
Our Aims
The aims of the Association are:
- the representation of the interests of persons, companies and undertakings using rail services on the line from King's Lynn to Cambridge (the "Fen Line") to the management of the franchise holders, and on occasion to others, including other franchise holders, other train operating companies, the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), the Department for Transport (DfT), the Office of Rail and Road (ORR), Network Rail (NR) and Passenger Focus (PF);
- monitoring the actions of those included above to ensure that the investments in the line and the services offered to intending users are maintained and improved;
- to keep the membership of the Association fully informed of the known intentions of those included above with regard to the Fen Line;
- to seek the integration of other public transport services with Fen Line services; and
- to undertake practical support in furtherance of these aims.
Within these aims the Association remains independent of political bias or influence, or commercial sponsorship.